A collection of both personal projects and published works
Fortnite – Accessibility Review of the Player Experience (Personal Project)

League of Legends – Informing Design Heuristics through Player Perspectives (Personal Project)

Normalization of Toxicity (Publication)

Emotions and Esports Performance (Publication)

Choke and Clutch (Publication)

Experiences of Choke (Publication)
Research Methods
I have designed many surveys including both open-ended (e.g., “Recall a time when…”) and closed-ended questions (e.g., “Are you happy with…”) depending on the goals of the study. Surveys are a quick, convenient, and cost effective way to gain data from large samples—a dependable go to!
I have developed interview guides and conducted semi-structured interviews with professional and semi-professional esports players. Interviews are a great way to gain rich data into subjective experiences. Building rapport with participants is essential for creating a safe space for people to open up about their experiences—it’s worth it!
I have used many quantitative methods to gather measurable data. I have disseminated validated trait scales among participants to investigate how certain behaviors and tendencies relate to various social phenomenon using correlation and regression analyses—a solid approach!
I have used qualitative methods, such as grounded theory and thematic analysis to develop a deeper understanding of my data. I have conducted many thematic analyses where I identified themes in the data that reflect participant’s subjective experiences—a quality method!
I have used mixed-methods approaches (both qualitative and quantitative) in many research projects. Using qualitative methods with quantitative methods is a great way to supplement and cross-validate the data. Qualitative data may help explain the quantitative data, and vice versa—the perfect duo!
I have designed and conducted experimental studies with approximately 100 participants, which are helpful for inferring causation. Testing hypotheses is an essential component of experimental research—ANOVAs and t-tests do just the trick!
Awards & Recognitions
Awarded for outstanding research contributions, achievements, and productivity for thesis on performance under pressure in esports.
This award was issued by the University of Saskatchewan for producing the best psychology Honour's thesis at the UofS in 2021.
Awarded by the University of Saskatchewan based upon my academic performance in the 2019-20 academic year.
Received the best paper award for work titled “Paralysis by Analysis: Choking, Clutching, and Reinvestment in Competitive Gameplay” presented at the CHI’21 Esports and High Performance HCI Workshop.
This scholarship was awarded for high academic achievement upon enrolling in the University of Saskatchewan.